Thursday, September 27, 2007

Journals 9/20-9/27

Journal # 16
Which fast food franchise should open in Keyser? Which should you get rid of?

The fast food franchise that I would open in Keyser, WV would be a White Castle. I have never ate one, but I have heard that there small burgers were delicious. The fast food franchise that should be taken out of Keyser, WV is Long John Silver/KFC. Every time I eat there the food order is messed up and the food is disgusting.

Journal # 1 7
Have you ever eaten a octopus?

I have never ate octopus before in my life. The closes creature that I have ate was squid. When I ate the squid I didn't even no what I was eating because it was fried. So I ate it thinking it was onion rings and my parents told me it was squid. It wasn't the greatest food I have ever eatn.

Journal # 18
Are you nervous to get your drivers licence?

I am not nervous now about getting my drivers licence because I have already taken my test to get my drivers permit. With my permit letting me drive I think it will make me more confident about driving. But when it comes to the day that I have to take my test to get my real licence I think I will be just a little nervous.

Journal # 19
Is punishing the entire class for the transgression of few fair?

I believe in the classroom punishing the entire class for few people transgression is not fair. In School we are all individuals and everybody must be responable for there wrong doings. I would understand if the people were on a team such as football, baseball, or other team sports because there a team.

Journal # 20
Which one has frittered the most of your life away?

The game that has taken up most of my time is Guitar Hero II. I first played the game at my friends house and I fell in love with it. Whenever I have free time after practice, homework, and chores I go into my room and play a song or two.

Journal # 21
Which one is the most fun to watch others play?

The game I like watching others play is NCAA 08. Especially during the off-season when I am going through withdraw from college football. The other game I like watching is the brutal game Resistance for PS3. The other great thing about the two games are that the graphics are amazing.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Journals 9/10-9/19


9/10/07 Plant those Japanese iris bulbs next to the daffodils, Pam, if you want an attractive display next spring.

9/11/07 Terry doesn't run very well, but he always enters Run For Your Life, a five-mile race held on Labor Day.

9/12/07 Neither of my parents is able to take me to the Village Theater to see Oscar Wilde's play The Importance of Being Earnest.

9/13/07 Adriana, please set those books of Shakespeare's plays on this stand; we'll be using them later in class.

9/14/07 Shawn said that neither of the singers was professionally trained, but their rendition of "Maria" was stunning.

9/17/07 Neither my friend nor my sister has the time to address these envelopes; may be someone else can help.

9/18/07 Rob told us that the picture has not been hung properly, and it will have to be taken down and done correctly

9/19/07 Keiko and I have to order these items: two dozen pizzas, three cases of juice, and, I suppose, enough placemats for everyone attending the festival.

Comment on the salty hamburger story.
I think the salty hamburger story is the most pathetic McDonalds story I have heart yet. I think he shouldn't have made a big deal about the hamburger being too salty. The police officer went overboard when he arrested her.

Do you think 9/11 happened as reported, or was/is there a was it a conspiracy/cover-up?
I believe 9/11 really happened in New York. I have heard conspiracy stories on the History Channel about it being a planned explosion, but I do not believe that. I do not believe our government would kill 2,700 U.S. citizens.

Would you consider Brittany Spears fat?
I have not seen Brittany Spears on T.V. lately. Though I have heard that her performance at the Music Awards was horrible. I have listened on the radio and people said she was fat. I have not seen her with my own eyes so sorry I can not awnser if she is fat or not.

Do you perfer this years "enrichment" block to last years?
I do not mind the enrichment period this year. If I had to choose I would pick last years home room because we were allowed to do our homework in that class. My teacher was Mr. Rotruck which gives last year another plus. When we did home room work she helped or taught us well.

Cheaters never Prosper
The meaning "Cheaters never Prosper" means that cheaters will never succeed in life. Cheaters might cheat on homework or a quiz but when the time comes for the test they will fail. Cheaters might think that they well get away with there wrong doings and they might, but eventually they will get caught.

Is it better for your location to be too cold or too hot?
It is better for it to be cold for me due to football practice. I would rather practice in the cold then sweat for two hours in the blistering sun. Plus when it starts getting cold out I feel all nice and cozy inside.

Invent a new candybar describe the composition and name.
The candy bar that I invented is called the Big Guy. The Big Guy in a peanut butter and white chocloate bar that melts in your mouth. The Bar is 9 inches long, 4 inches wide, and 3 inches thick. My candybar is with Hershey and has out sold every bar they have ever sold and because I am a generous fellow the bar is $2.50.

Which McDonalds item should be permantly removed from the menu?
The item that should be permantly removed from McDonalds is the fish sandwich. I think it is the most disgusting sandwich on earth. The fish sandwich doesn't even match the menu its like having taco salad at McDonalds.