Monday, October 15, 2007

Journals 10/9-10/12

Journal # 29
How do you like your eggs?

It doesn't really matter to me how the eggs are cooked as long as they aren't raw. Though if I had to pick in a life or death matter it would be scrambled. There is nothing like scrambled eggs with ketchup in the morning.

Journal# 30
Write me a get well card!

Dear Mr. Clark,

I hope your day at home helps your sun poison disappear. It most be a different atmosphere at your house to help you get rid of your sunburn. Like your 360, T.V., Bed, and other great stuff at your house that we don't have at the school and did I mention you don't have to work at your house. But I'm sure your at the house hoping you were at work with the wonderful second block

Journal # 31
Redecorating is imminent which three frame posters should go?

I think the Wolverine poster should go first because it doesn't match the rest of the posters. The other poster that I think should be thrown out is the Superman poster with the brick wall. The last that should go is the Wounder Women poster.

Journal # 32
Are you satisfied with your first marking period performance in class?

The first marking period was average for me. I received a B which counts as 4 points, an A but, I will not be totally satisfied until I receive an A. I know now that I have to work harder and study more to receive the grade I want.


At October 21, 2007 at 10:05 AM , Blogger Clark said...

JT: 8/8


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