Monday, October 29, 2007

Robert E. Lee

Title: Robert E. Lee

Author: Manfred Weidborn
Publication Date: 1988
Page Count: 143
Type: Nonfiction (Biography)
Started On: 6/1/07
Finished On: 6/26/07
My Grade: B+

Why did I decide to read this book?

The reason I decided to read the book Robert E. Lee was to educate myself more about General Lee. R. E. Lee has always been one of my favorite generals throughout the Civil War. I no a great deal already about Robert E. Lee, but there is always more information for me to discover. Robert E. Lee was a outstanding gentleman, christian, general, and the greatest characteristic of all was R. E. Lee lived his life with honor. I tend to read and study about certain people in history that were grand role models.

Who was the general subject of the book?

The general subject of the book was Robert E. Lee. The book Robert E. Lee took me threw his early years as a child clear till when Robert was an elderly man. The biography told me a great deal about his parents Anne Lee Carter and "Light-Horse Harry" Lee that I was unfamiliar with. There were chapters though out the book that were base pre and post Civil War, but mostly were about Robert E. Lee during the Civil War. Even though the subject of the biography was about Robert E. Lee it gave you a great deal of in site about other people in Robert's life.

What were some key events in this person's life?

One of the most important events in any person's life was that of his birth. Robert E. Lee was born in Stratford Hall Plantation in Westmoreland County, Virginia. On June 30, 1831 Robert married Mary Anna Randolph Custis. Lee was active during the Mexican-American War, and secured him a rank of Captain of Engineers, after the war. In 1852, Lee was Superintendent of West Point, were he graduated twenty-three years earlier. Lee took command over all Virginia forces on April 23, 1861. Lee suffered from a stroke on September 28, 1870 and two weeks later died of pneumonia on October 12, 1870. He is now buried under Lee Chapel at Washington Lee University.

What is the most interesting thing that I learned about this person? Why?

The most interesting thing that I learned about Lee was his way of honor. Honor has always been something that I have tried to live by. Some different examples of how I have used honor in my life is honoring my ancestors, relatives, home, and most important myself. I believe that self-discipline and determination have helped me succeed in sports. I also believe this would not have been possible without honor in my life.

Overall, was the information presented in an interesting way?

Yes, I believe overall it was presented in an interesting way. There would be certain parts in the book that I would change. One major part that I would change would be not focusing fully on his Civil War career. Yes, Lee's Civil War career was popular, but the book shouldn't have had his career as the center of attention. I would have liked for Manfred Weidborn to put more effort into finding information that people do not no. Aside from a couple of parts, the way Mr. Weidborn provided the information wasn't horrible.

What is the significance of the book's title? Is the title appropriate, or would I have changed it to something else?

I would have called it either the The Feared General or The War Legend. The reason that both of names consisted with war because like I said in the paragraph before the book was mostly about Lee's military career. Though Mr. Weidborn could not go wrong by calling his book Robert E. Lee, since the book is about Lee. I wish it wasn't such a dull name. A book about the Great General Lee deserves something more exciting.

What is my opinion about this book? Why?

My opinion of this book at an overall is good. I would suggest this book to any person wishing to read about General Robert Edward Lee. The book gave many facts that I did not know about Lee and it had battle maps from battles Lee was in, printed on the pages. The book had different images of important people in his life such as his parents, Thomas Jonathon Jackson, and his wife Anna. The believe the book would have been better if it had more information about his personal life. My overall grade for this book wood be a B+, good but needs more information.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Journals 10/22-10/27

Journal # 37

An essay class with loads of work?
A hard class with very little work?

I would have to pick a hard class with very little work. I don't like homework one bit. Especially during football season when I have practice and very little time to finish my work at home. Plus I like to challenge myself in school.

Journal # 38

Which of these decades has the best music 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's?

I think the decade that has the best music is the 90's. From the country to the heavy metal of the 90's was great. I listen the 90's and Now on Sirius Satellite Radio while I either do chores or to fall asleep.

Journal # 39

Do you like to hunt?

I love to hunt. Hunting is the next best thing from football. Hunting is what I do in the off season with my brother Brandon. We hunt everything imaginable from Deer to Coyotes. Hunting is the only thing I like waking up early for. I was born with a 30-06 in my hand.

Journal # 40

Nearly nine weeks into the school year has your initial new lunchtime opinion changed?

No, my opinion hasn't changed about the lunch line. I think the lunch line is running smoothly so far this year. The line goes down real fast, so for people who want seconds can get up there and get some.

Journal # 41

Do you play the lottery?

No, I don't play the lottery but I do gamble. I gamble on NCAA and NFL football games with some of my friends. Last week I lost twenty dollars on the Dallas and New England game. However I did get ten dollars back in the Boston College and the Virginia Tech game.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Journals 10/9-10/12

Journal # 29
How do you like your eggs?

It doesn't really matter to me how the eggs are cooked as long as they aren't raw. Though if I had to pick in a life or death matter it would be scrambled. There is nothing like scrambled eggs with ketchup in the morning.

Journal# 30
Write me a get well card!

Dear Mr. Clark,

I hope your day at home helps your sun poison disappear. It most be a different atmosphere at your house to help you get rid of your sunburn. Like your 360, T.V., Bed, and other great stuff at your house that we don't have at the school and did I mention you don't have to work at your house. But I'm sure your at the house hoping you were at work with the wonderful second block

Journal # 31
Redecorating is imminent which three frame posters should go?

I think the Wolverine poster should go first because it doesn't match the rest of the posters. The other poster that I think should be thrown out is the Superman poster with the brick wall. The last that should go is the Wounder Women poster.

Journal # 32
Are you satisfied with your first marking period performance in class?

The first marking period was average for me. I received a B which counts as 4 points, an A but, I will not be totally satisfied until I receive an A. I know now that I have to work harder and study more to receive the grade I want.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Journals 9/28-10/5

Do violent video games negatively influence those who play them?

I think that violent video games do not negatively influence people. If it does negatively influence people they're probably to young to be playing the game. That is why they're ratings on the game.

Did you have trouble completing the quotes assignment?

No, I didn't have any trouble doing the quotes assignment. I am just glad to get the assignment over with so I didn't have to worry about it. It took me about two hours to type the five quotes. Then another hour to check over the paper for errors.

Who is your hero?

My hero is my Uncle Craig. I have done everything imaginable with him from hunting to going on vacation. Uncle Craig has taught many things about life and has been there for me whenever I needed him. I just wish to be a great Uncle to my nephew as he was for me.

Critique each hallway's homecoming decor.

The freshman's hallway was so plain except for the bubble letters spelling freshman. The sophomore in my opinion was the greatest. It was loaded with decoration and color. The Juniors hallway I didn't pay attention to it. The last one is the senior hallway would give the sophomores the most trouble in the competition.

Based on your life now. Predict your death

Based on my life now I will probably die from an ulcer. The reason why an ulcer is that I worry about my grades and football entirely to much. As much as I tell myself no to worry I can't help it.

Homecoming game. Who will win?

I believe we will win tonight. Everybody is saying that we will kill them, but from people whom must not be named said there supposed to be decent. I would love nothing more than to kill them for our homecoming game. Though we the team can't take them lightly